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August 14, 2013

Installing MS 2007 in EEE PC 4G

I've been using MS 2003 on my EEE PC 4G ever since I got my netbook because it takes only a small space in the hard disk and it's easy to install. But the disadvantage of creating a document in MS 2003 happened when you bring it to some computer shops for they are using the latest version like 2007 or 2010. In short, the files are not compatible with the latest version except they are using the Compatibility Pack (2003-2010) from Microsoft and I doubt they have. 

So, I removed 2003 and decided to install MS 2007 to take advantage of a more feature. But in so doing, I was able to encounter a problem which was not resolved without doing some kind of research.

Now, if you have that problem regarding installation of MS Word 2007 into EEE PC 4G, then this might help you resolve it. Indeed, Installing Microsoft Word 2007 for the first time in my EEE PC 4G was a little bit frowning. I attempted to install it many times and it was unsuccessful. I thought it failed because of the hard disk size so I added an SD Card to it to install MS Word on the removable device - disregarding the message I've seen each time a failure occur. But that did not resolve the issue until I found the solution.

I downloaded MicrosoftFixit50199, installed it and selected the SD card drive for the location. Then, attempted once more to install Microsoft word and it worked. What an added successful experience!

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