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Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts

May 28, 2011

Tag : Computer

I'm just trying to know how a tag or keyword works well in blogging. In Google, I typed the word "computer" to see how it will display the results. I found out that in just 7 seconds, there were 1,990,000,000 sites or articles related to this keyword. And out of this number, the top 10 sites that appeared in my screen are the following:
Hence, there is no way for someone to toppled these sites which has a good search engine optimization method. In order to beat them you have to go into a lot of probability studies and develop or imitate a good search engine method.

May 22, 2011

Tips on Computer Maintenance

Personal computerImage via Wikipedia
When someone asked me how to maintain personal computers, I just share them the basic steps. Here are my personal ideas from my personal experience.

  • Place your computer in a well-ventilated area
  • Never Place CPU in a rocking table
  • Clean your CPU once a month or as needed
  • Always perform disk clean-up
  • Perform defragmentation, too
  • Update anti-virus if any
  • Be familiar with your computer
  • Shutdown down properly
  • Never let your children play beside it
  • Learn about beep sounds
  • Install only the necessary or needed softwares
  • Maintain 15% free space based on HDD capacity
  • Scan USB or memory, to avoid virus infection to your PC
  • Learm more about your PC (Self-study)
  • Learn How to fix problems (Self-study)
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September 18, 2010

20 Minutes Software Installation

Microsoft Office 2007 LogoImage via Wikipedia
Today I've installed an MS Office 2007 in an old computer. My first attempt went for 3 hours due to slow performance because the CPU speed wasn't configured properly. It was set at 366 MHZ prior to my installation. I did not noticed such setting until I felt that something is wrong with the setup. Beside, that thought never came into my mind because I supposed the computer is okay.

But when I configured the CPU setting at 733 Mhz, it performs a little faster than my first attempt. So I let the installation continue until it finish smoothly. I noticed that at the last attempt I've made, it only took 20 minutes to install an MS Office 2007.
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September 14, 2010

Formatting USB Flash Drives

USB flash driveImage via Wikipedia
Speaking of flash drives, It is very important to always keep it safe from viruses. However, virus attack in our own flash drive can't be avoided from time to time since we are not sure when it will take place. People do usually plugged their flash drives to different computers whether in the office or in an internet cafe, not knowing that other computers are the main sources of viruses which can transfer to your own personal computer. The results, important files in it may be lost or it may not work properly which will lead you to formatting the flash drive.

Possible Reasons That Flash Drives May Not Work
  • Virus infected files by trojans or worms and any other types of virus
  • Formatting error
Be careful in copying files that you do not really trust. Some files have had virus attached on it. I'm sure all are familiar about it. But what I want to emphasize in this post is the normal formatting.

Quick Format Option

When you think that you already remove the virus on a flash drive and still its not working, formatting may be the possible issue. When your in a hurry, you usually do the quick format option to make it faster. Based from my experience, in formatting a flash drive is similar to formatting an HDD. I remember that when you reformat a Hard Disk Drive in a Quick Format Option, chances are when you try to install a software it might not be installed properly. There will be errors later and installation won't continue. Quick format option may or may not work properly, so I prefer formatting a HDD normally which slowly but surely. Therefore, do the same thing with flash drive. Don't get in a hurry!
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April 17, 2010

Still Have Trouble With Your Personal Computer?

If you're done with disk cleanup, disk defragmenter, and RegSeeker but still had problem regarding slow performance of your PC, you might still have a problem or you need to upgrade your PC. But this time, I want to share about the need for an anti-virus. Mine is just a free version. Although free version is limited only with few features, it doesn't matter! What is important is to download and install an anti-virus that work effectively against viruses.

Anti-virus softwares is an effective guard against any computer viruses, trojans, worms, malicious programs, and so on. But the fact is, free version can only detect a limited number or types of virus. However, you can buy a license to be totally protected. Because I can't afford to buy a licensed one, I just keep clinging on the free one. I ensure that my PC is working properly by scanning for viruses 2-3 times a month. At least, I know whether I'm am attacked or not. Once you have installed an anti-virus, always keep it updated. As a rule, keep it active too. Just google it, Download and install it in C: drive, under program files which is the default destination. Click screenshot.

In the screenshot, I've shown you already the kind of anti-virus I'm using. Yes, it is an Avira anti-virus. I've been using this since 2 years. So far, I got no problem using this free software. Anyway, if you just use your computer for personal only, then this is enough. And it depends on you if you want another beside Avira. Just fine. 

For me, Avira is tough and truly detects removable devices and hard disk for certain viruses. It is easy to use. It normally ask you to confirm your action whether to quarantine, repair, ignore or delete a certain programs found to be a virus. So, you might decide base upon your knowledge of certain files or programs found in your system. If you're unsure about an action, just quarantine such files found and decide later.